Because counsellors are with the youth more than any of the other staff members, they are vitally important at FSY. As a counsellor, you will be expected to be a good shepherd and to pray for the youth and interact with them as much as possible.
At FSY, you will oversee a “counsellor group” of about 10–12 participants of your same gender. You will also be assigned at least one co-counsellor of the opposite gender. Together, your counsellor groups will form a company. You will conduct many activities with your counsellor group alone, although several activities will be conducted in companies, overseen by both you and your co-counsellor(s). An assistant coordinator will be assigned to oversee you and a few other counsellors. Get to know your assistant coordinator, and feel free to ask questions and request help as needed.
Read more about your role in the fsy staff handbook