As our temples move to Phase 3 and allow limited use of the baptistry, many of us must be looking forward to the time when we all can go to the temple, as our Church leaders have promised.
I started to reflect on my first post-COVID trip to the temple which brought excitement and humble anticipation to my heart. I prayed like so many that this day would come soon. Whilst reflecting on temples and listening to General Conference proceedings, when once again further new temples were announced, I have resolved never again to take for granted being able to go to the temple and to increase its priority in my life.

Whilst in this reflective mood I noted that we presently have an unusual and historic situation regarding the two temples we have in the UK.
Both Temple Presidents and Matrons, the Irwins and the Martins, come from the same stake, the Plymouth Stake. Brothers Irwin and Martin have served together on a stake presidency and been wonderful and effective presidents of the Stake. Both have served on a Mission presidency. Both have had other callings. I wonder how often we will find that both our Temple Presidents and Matrons come from the one StakeāI would guess not very often.
As for me, I have served with both great men and learned much from them and their eternal companions. If I could be half the disciple of Christ that our Temple Presidents and Matrons are, I would have far more confidence and peace, and therefore joy.