Tunbridge Wells Deputy Mayor

Chris Woodward, a member of the Maidstone England Stake since 1979, first became a Councillor on Tunbridge Wells Borough Council in 2006. He currently chairs the Borough’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee which reviews decisions made by the Borough’s Cabinet and the processes followed in reaching those decisions.

He was recently appointed Deputy Mayor with his wife as his support. As part of his duties, he recently attended an event at Wellington Rocks on the Tunbridge Wells Commons to recognise winners of a Commons photography competition. This was the first year the competition had been held and its theme was the ‘Wow Factor’—photographing something amazing.


The Woodwards hold pictures with the Podburys.
Pictured are, from left, Jenny Woodward (wife of Chris Woodward), Deputy Mayor Chris Woodward, current Tunbridge Wells Mayor Joy Podbury and Bob Podbury (husband of Joy Podbury). They are holding printed copies of the winning entries for adults, teens and young children in the Wow Factor photography contest.

Chris is also one of a body of twelve Common Conservators, a parish-like body funded by precept, who manage the Commons, keeping it in good order and protecting it for proper use by the public. A key aim is to see that the Commons, an area of over 250 acres, are not encroached but retained in good order for posterity. Chris is also a member of the Conservators’ three-man committee that directly runs various initiatives that support the Conservators objectives, such as selecting contractors for grounds works, litter clearing and developing a new website to serve users of the Commons, as well as statutory obligations.

Chris has served his local community in several ways since leaving corporate life in 2003. He also serves as a trustee of a local charity, The Number One Community Trust, which serves the needs of a relatively deprived area in the borough, and he keeps an eye on youth matters through the Local Children's Partnership Group.

He will take over as mayor next May for the year 2021/22 and has chosen as his theme for the year ‘The Rising Generation’ (an Area Presidency theme), which aligns well with his personal interests. He has also nominated Mental Health Resource, a West Kent charity, for the borough’s charity of the year award year. When he is mayor, he will focus on fundraising initiatives for the same charity.