Currently, there are many countries suffering from wars and civil unrest in various parts of the world, and people are fleeing for safety and security. Many of these people come to the UK seeking asylum and are housed in hotels up and down the country, where they still face hardship.
This can come in the form of lack of access to education and work, as well as difficulty understanding English. They often experience large disruptions to their schooling as well as much trauma from their previous location as well as on their journey to the UK. As a result of this, we gathered young volunteers from my secondary school and joined up with the charity Herts Welcomes Refugees, and began visiting a hotel weekly to host a homework club for school-aged children ages 7-18. We help with reading and comprehension, school work, and homework, and also play educational games with them to enhance their learning. We provide support to children who can't get it elsewhere since most of their parents do not speak English well enough to help them.
This opportunity has allowed us to not only serve them, but also get to know them personally and become friends. We really look forward to seeing them each week. We have been able to participate in getting them shoes and clothes as well as even celebrate a birthday or two. It has been a very rewarding experience for everyone involved.
A note written by participant of the Homework Club-
“I like to much to read books with girls [...]
and to play with them.
I have to fun with us.
I like homework club at Thursday.
From Aissa.”
The girls’ mother, Joyce who is herself a volunteer with Herts Welcomes Refugees charity added- “The teen girls have told me they don't have any friends at college so this has been so crucial for them to practice their English and meet friends.”