Theme for FSY 2019

by Chelsea Craven


“If ye love me, keep commandments.”

John 14:15 - Theme for ‘For the Strength of Youth’ (FSY) 2019

Leeds Mission & Scotland session

Directing Couple Allan Freed and Colette Freed:

We’re looking forward to meeting you in Nottingham and we’re grateful for your decision to join us.  You’ll have your own personal reasons for coming this year and your own individual story.  We hope we learn more about you when we’re together.  Regardless of what’s bringing you to FSY we’re determined to help you draw as much strength from the week as possible.  We have an incredible team of counsellors who’ll be creating a unique environment designed to fuel your growth and present you with opportunities to learn of and deepen your faith in Christ.  We hope you’ll choose to embrace the FSY environment and accept each invitation you receive to follow the Master.

We’re coming determined to make new friends.  We’re coming seeking answers.  We’ll be there with a determination to enjoy and make the most of the week.  We want to learn more of Christ, and we want to figure out how we can love him more than we already do.  We invite you to join us on what promises to be a great week.

For more information and to register for the Leeds Mission & Scotland session click

Manchester Mission & Ireland session

Directing Couple Adrian and Jenny Bettridge

Thank you for choosing to attend the Manchester Ireland session of FSY 2019.  We’re looking forward to meeting you in Nottingham and we’re grateful for your decision to join us.

Never has there been a more exciting time to be alive, to be venturing into this world and making your mark. FSY is designed to help you on that journey, whoever you are and whatever background you come from. We invite you to join us for a fun-filled week with the opportunity to make great new friends, be spiritually nourished and better equipped for the journey of life ahead of you. We have an incredible team of YSA counsellors. We’re looking forward to learning together what the theme means and how it can help us in our everyday lives.

Our invitation to you is to come and see.  Come and make new friends.  Come and learn about Jesus Christ and why his teachings are so relevant to the world you live in today.  Come and invest a week of your life in building up your spiritual strength.  We are looking forward to enjoying this incredible week together at FSY.  So please sign up and we look forward to seeing you in August!

For more information and to register for the Manchester Mission & Ireland session click

Isabella Felin

For me FSY is a little heaven on Earth.  Every year I go.  I grow closer to Christ and my testimony strengthens: FSY recharges my spiritual battery.  The friends I make there are friends for life.  Each and every person is so different yet, together, we are one big army gathering Israel and learning more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.  It is so wonderful to be able to see that there are people just like me all over England with the same goals, standards, and love of the gospel.  I’m so grateful for FSY and everything that it has taught me and continues to teach me.

Nichola Joines

I love FSY.  It’s a very spiritually uplifting week with people who share the same standards as I do.  I like hearing the choir because they sound amazing; they really invite the Spirit.  It’s great to see the different talents of those attending.  There are a lot of youth who are very strong in the Gospel and FSY helps me to see that.  It is not just six days; there are many activities after FSY where you can meet up with friends you met at FSY.  I’m so grateful for FSY because I learn a lot.  It can prepare you for the future if you are considering going on a mission.

Ethan Skinner

At FSY I felt the Holy Ghost strongly; I met new friends and I could not have felt the Holy Ghost as strongly as I did without them. My faith grew at FSY. My testimony of the Saviour and my love for him grew and I received an answer to a question I had been struggling with.  

Felicity Dick, Co-Organizer Councillor

This inspired programme feels to me like an extensive and transitional closure to my fulltime mission. By closure, I refer to the ability to reflect from the things I learnt whilst serving as a fulltime missionary and being able to share and pass that on. Yet above all, not only did FSY teach me that my ministry forever continues on in my service to the Lord, but it allowed me to persist in seeking purpose and perhaps 'small missions' wherever I go. Through serving within the FSY programme I have been blessed with inspiring relationships that have been forever forged with youth who seek humble role models of those who have stood where they now stand, as well as other YSA and leaders, with all a common commitment to serving and becoming more like our Master, Jesus Christ.