Over the past 18 months the staff in the NHS have adapted in unimaginable ways to protect and treat those affected by the coronavirus pandemic. The Chorley Stake youth have seen first hand with NHS workers in their families and stakes the impact it has had on their personal and professional lives. So they wanted to say not just a big thank you but a personal thank you for all their hard work.
We started by gathering together some names of the NHS workers in our stake, and then asked them to share 'stories' of co-workers that they know working each day to save and protect lives! These stories were provided to each individual youth in blank cards with a pen, and decorations. This enable the youth not just to see a name but to understand a little every day the changes each of these workers has had to make since the pandamic started. This meant the youth could thank on a personal level, by reflecting on their individual sacrifices.
I was fortunate enough to be one of the staff members who got to give out these wonderful cards in their department. There were smiles and tears as staff were moved that these 'thank you's' were personal to them. They were thanked for their individual tasks and contributions throughout the pandemic. One member of staff said that it meant more to them than anything else they received so far, because it was meant just for her.

“Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33-34)
We are so grateful and proud of the Chorley Stake Youth! They are loving and strive each day to follow the Saviour's example.
Thank you to all NHS and key workers up and down the country. There may be a tough winter ahead but there are so many routing and praying for us. God bless.