Local Muslims were able to worship in Solihull Chapel during their holy month of Ramadan this year. Through the ward’s membership of the Solihull Interfaith Forum, Bishop Hesekaia Fakatou became aware that the Solihull Muslim Community Association (SMCA) had no premises large enough to accommodate their members for prayers during Ramadan.
Following agreement from Stake President, Paul Wilkinson and the area office, Bishop Fakatou offered the use of the chapel during the evenings from 9.30pm onwards. During Ramadan Muslims fast from sunrise to sundown and break their fast with prayers and readings from the Quran. Bishop Fakatou and President and Sister Wilkinson were invited to join them one evening to break the fast with an iftar meal, and relationships were built between Muslim and LDS leaders.

“We were welcomed with open arms by our Christian brothers and sisters in the true spirit of humanity for which we are very grateful… By working together we can truly understand each other’s faiths and thus build bridges and better communities.”
Sabir Hussein, Chairman of the SCMA
The SCMA made a substantial donation to LDS Charities and sent a thank you card to the ward. Bishop Fakatou said “We were happy to serve our Muslim brothers and sisters by sharing our chapel with them and we hope it is only the start of a special relationship.”