As a Service Missionary, I take part in lots of volunteering each week in my community.
I serve with the SAOL Hub, at the Ballyfermot Civic Centre, Dublin, doing lots of different service activities with them which I enjoy very much.
I have been writing a script and doing Radio work for a local community radio station ‘TOGETHER FM’ in Ballyfermot, they focus on local news, and in giving people a voice, who would not normally use this platform. I made a video for the Stewarts Care Human Rights Committee about respect! I have learned how to edit and use the sound equipment! This is a fun service activity.

Every Thursday morning, I go to the NCBI (national council for the blind Ireland) charity shop. I work independently in the NCBI shop, Steaming and hanging clothes on hangers, and then putting them on the proper railings as well as tidying the toys and bric-a-brac.

On a Friday morning, I volunteer at the cherry orchard community garden. The garden grows and sells vegetables, to benefit the local community. I do weeding, planting, harvesting, watering, sweeping, raking, plucking tomatoes from the tomato plants, and anything else they need me to do!
I also help to take care of the garden outside the civic centre.

A few months ago, a campaign was launched with volunteering Ireland to ask people to write letters to residents of nursing homes during the pandemic, as they had no visitors and people were feeling isolated. I registered with volunteering Ireland and wrote a letter to nursing home residents in Mount Sackville.

I love volunteering and serving in my community, by doing these things, it makes me happy to know that I am helping others, while also developing my skills to become more confident in my own independence!
Every other Sunday along with my family we make hot meals for the homeless, we pack them up in the afternoon as a family and then go into Dublin city centre at night to give them out.

I have learned that Serving others is fun, is often hard work and helps us learn to Serve as the Saviour served.