Over the last 12 months, a few members from around the United Kingdom and Ireland have shared their personal stories, which have been captured in one-minute videos.
In each video, a story is shared about a specific real-life challenge or dilemma.
The videos address current concerns that many of us will be able to relate to as we journey through life, and may have experienced similarly ourselves.
Despite facing some very difficult issues, every individual who shares their story has a message filled with real encouragement, faith and hope, that no matter the difficulty or challenge, answers can be found in the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.
One participant, Stacey Martin, a YSA from the Dunfermline Ward, shares the story of her conversion and said that “I was a little nervous sharing some of my feelings, but felt at peace when I was able to share my testimony”. Stacey, an Army Reservist, has recently been called to serve in the Canada Winnipeg Mission.
Leanda Hall of the Leeds 1st Ward expressed her feelings as follows, “I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to bear my testimony of the gospel in this unique and special way.
This experience will serve as a constant reminder to me of the way that I feel about my Saviour Jesus Christ and will be a beacon that I can look upon when times are tough. In the time that has elapsed since this experience, the trials in my life have continued to grow, but this has been proportionate to my growth in faith and understanding. I know that my Saviour lives and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds the restored gospel.”
The videos are filled with powerful messages, personal testimony and moving experiences. Over 100 videos have been filmed and will be appearing on our Social Media sites here in the UK. Look out for them soon. You can find them on www.Facebook.com/LDSUK Remember to please share!