Members of the Manchester Stake Choir, along with full-time missionaries, sang at the Manchester Christmas markets early in December 2018, as a start to that year’s ‘Light the World’ campaign.
As the choir sang, missionaries were talking to the public and giving out pass-along cards.
There was also an organised collection for CARE UK, a North West England refugee aid organisation. People gave generously.
Many by passers took photos and videos as they stopped to listen to the carols and feel the spirit of Christmas.
Sister Mastroianni, a missionary from Italy, said, “It was a good experience; the songs brought a good spirit among people! We would like to do it again!”
Manchester stake member Beth Taylor said, “As we stood in the rain singing, I was amazed at how many people stopped to listen, video us and join in. One lady stood and wept as we sang ‘O Holy Night’. I felt blessed to be able to be an instrument in the Lord’s hand to help others feel the light of Christ at the Christmas season.”
Merle Morley, another choir member, added, “It was an exhilarating experience to sing carols with the Manchester Stake Choir on the first of December in St. Ann’s Square. We succeeded in bringing the Christmas spirit to hundreds of shoppers who were very appreciative of our vocal skills.”