It was in the Spring of 1989 when I realised I was a daughter of Heavenly Father, and that He loved me and I loved Him.
I was a teenager making dubious choices, but I had been raised to believe in God and I knew I needed Him. I prayed for him to help me, and within days of that prayer I met a young man who would share the truth with me.
On our first date, he began to tell me about Joseph Smith and the restoration. He gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon. I began to read the book and knew instantly that it was true; it just felt right, and I couldn't stop reading it.
He departed on his mission, and I spent the next few months learning and accepting the principles of the gospel. My parents could see the positive changes in me but did not want me to join the Church. I fasted to gain their permission to get baptised. Receiving their blessing was the only thing holding me back from taking my Saviour's name upon me. Three weeks after that fast, and surrounded by friends and family, I was baptised a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Many years have passed. I have learned many lessons and my conversion to the gospel continues. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, I am still learning about the plan that a wise Heavenly Father has for me. As a daughter of earthly parents, I am still learning the sacrifices they made for me and am grateful every day that they allowed me to join the Church. As a daughter of Heavenly parents, I am still learning to trust in the Lord and depend on Him.
I am very blessed to have been given the gift of the gospel in my life. There are many people out there, just like me, who desire to know the truth and feel the Saviour's love in their life. Heavenly Father prepared me, and He is preparing them. We are the instruments in His hands for sharing what we have with those around us.