The broadcast, titled “Temples Are the House of the Lord,” will feature activities, music, and messages from Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the Primary General Presidency.
Primary General President Camille N. Johnson explained that this Friend to Friend was filmed at the Church History Museum’s “Temples Dot the Earth” exhibit, which helps children and families discover the history and purpose of temple building in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“As a presidency, we visited the interactive exhibit shortly after we began our service and felt impressed to find a way to share it with all our Primary children around the world,” she said. “We are so pleased to see that impression bear fruit! We trust that this Friend to Friend will help our dear children understand that the Savior is at the heart of all we learn and do in the House of the Lord, and that they will look forward to participating in ordinances and making covenants there.”
How to Watch
The video broadcast will be produced in English, Spanish, and Portuguese and captioned in eight additional languages on, Gospel Library, and Gospel Media, and on Gospel for Kids YouTube in English, Spanish, and Portuguese.
Previous Friend to Friend Events
During the February 2021 Friend to Friend broadcast, two young “field reporters” took the virtual audience inside Elder Ulisses Soares’ office and spoke with the Apostle about making covenants with God at baptism. The virtual audience of Primary boys and girls, parents and leaders sang songs, colored pictures, played with rocks, “traveled” around the world to hear stories and listened to special messages from President Russell M. Nelson, Elder Soares and the Primary General Presidency.
In the February 2022 Friend to Friend broadcast, the Primary General Presidency joined the children hosts and explorer to help children learn more about baptism, the Holy Ghost and the sacrament through interactive activities, videos and songs focused on the covenant path.