Scottish Interfaith Week takes place in November each year. This year Latter-day Saints in the Edinburgh Stake made a concerted effort to get involved. Early in the week youth from the Dalkeith Ward visited their local mosque and enjoyed a guided tour & introduction to Islam for their weekly youth activity.
As the week went on, the Church held an ‘Interfaith in the Community Award’ ceremony at the Scottish Parliament, headed by Evelyn Liston, Director of Public Affairs for Scotland, where two exemplary women were honoured for their contribution. Maureen Seir, director of Interfaith Scotland; and Trishna Singh, founder of Sikh Sanjog, a charity & social enterprise that supports Sikh women in Edinburgh, received the award. They were praised by Daryl Watson, GB National Director of Public Affairs, who felt prompted to sing, 'Have I Done Any Good' as a tribute to these ladies during the award ceremony, probably the first time an LDS hymn has been sung in the Scottish Parliament! Evelyn Liston commented, “The world needs more women like Trishna and Maureen. I am grateful for their example and support to all of us.”
The final weekend of Scottish Interfaith Week saw two performances of the wonderful LDS production 'Our Story Goes On' - one at the Edinburgh Stake Centre to an audience of nearly 300, and a second hosted by Fife Interfaith Group at the Old Kirk in Kirkcaldy. Many people expressed what an incredible experience they had as they watched the show. Penny Casey of the Alloa Ward remarked, 'The standard of the musical performances was superb! It was very moving at times. A fabulous evening.' Julie Beveridge who had also travelled from Alloa to see the show, said, 'It was a wonderful evening - beautiful music set to an amazing script.'
Since then, Edinburgh Interfaith Association, impressed with the high attendance at the show, have agreed to host a return visit from the cast at EIFAs 30th anniversary celebrations.