We met A. street contacting two weeks before quarantine started. He was very kind and listened to the scripture we shared, but he assured us he had already found the true church! We remember walking away and thinking maybe it just wasn't his time, however we kept his contact information.
When quarantine started, we were desperate to talk to any- and everyone. This (luckily) included A. He was the first lesson we ever had over video call. A few weeks later, he accepted the invitation to be baptized and confirmed a member of the Church. Ever since our first lesson, he attended our Church meetings via Zoom. Many of our members were eager to help him prepare for baptism and were virtually present for our lessons with him. They helped him to feel welcome and comfortable. Eventually quarantine permitted that we could meet in the chapel, so we invited A. and our bishop gave him a tour.

Our ward mission leader helped with A.'s progress. We would communicate with him about A.'s needs and he would then work with our ward council. It has been a smooth adjustment for A. because of this. Our members have even been taking the initiative without us having to ask them. Shortly after A.'s baptism, he was interviewed by our bishop and received the Aaronic Priesthood.
Quarantine helped us to be more effective with our daily contacts with A. as well as following up on commitments. It also allowed us to meet with him more frequently through video calls. We don't know if we would have found A. if it weren't for quarantine. We do know that his baptism allowed our members to be excited about the work and to feel like they played a part through technology! We know that God is aware of each of His children because He was aware of A. and put all of us in the right situation at the right time. He can do the same for you!
Sister Curzon
Sister Andrewsen
Portugal Lisbon Mission