Photography is something that I love and study at Dundee and Angus College.
For a recent project, I decided to capture a series of images showing some of the standards and choices I live by as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
These were then showcased to my classmates. By doing this, I was able to help them better understand why I live my life the way I do.
The reason why I make these choices is because of my love for the Saviour Jesus Christ. I was humbled by their response as they shared with me how their understanding had grown but more important to me, how their respect for me and my beliefs had grown.
Through this project, I have learned that as we use and develop the talents we have been blessed with, the Lord will in turn use them as a tool to help His work move forward.
Both my love for photography and my testimony has grown through this process, and I am grateful for the opportunity to find a new way to share my testimony and my love for the Saviour.