We live in such a wonderful time. We travel ever faster to faraway places and are constantly in touch with other people all over the world. A world which seemed very large once, but is now only a mouse click away.
When I served a mission in England it took at least a week for my letters to arrive home. A lot of news was outdated before it was even read. We could only watch General Conference sessions months later on large TV screens in Church, from subtitled video tapes. Calling home on Mother’s Day and at Christmas was expensive and sometimes not even possible. So much has changed in just a short period of time!
It is difficult to imagine the lives of those who went before us. What would the disciples of Christ have thought when, on a mountain in Galilee, He gave them the following instruction after his resurrection: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations” (Matthew 28:19). This divine assignment was once again given in this dispensation, in D&C 84:62, and in a general sense it applies to every Church member today: “Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor” (L&V 88:81).
That assignment will undoubtedly have been overwhelming, and it still is. But nowadays we have more tools at our disposal than ever before. The electronic highway of the Internet is of great assistance in carrying out this assignment.
I know that we as members of the Church all have a desire to share the Gospel with others. For some of us it is easy to share our thoughts with friends, and others are blessed with different gifts.
We all seek for opportunities to share the message. The most natural way of doing this, is to share the events in our life with other people. The wonderful visit that we as a young man or young woman paid to an FSY event or other uplifting activity. The celebration of the anniversary of our ward or our church building. The blessing of a newborn baby or the baptism of a new brother or sister. Leaving on, or returning from, a mission. But also other uplifting things that happen in our lives are worth sharing. Like getting any title or degree, or any other exceptional achievement, these are wonderful things we could share.
The place where we can share all of these things, and others, is called the “Country pages” of our country’s Church website. This is where everyone gets inspired by reading about our experiences. When I think of this, I am reminded of D&C 65:4, which states: “Pray unto the Lord, call upon his holy name, make known his wonderful works among the people.” Our life is one of the things in which his wonderful works are made known. You can make your contribution by writing something, and by submitting it to the team responsible for the Country Website. This way we can all make a contribution and enjoy each other’s uplifting experiences and testimonies.