Your Plan, to Bring You to Him

Welcome Welcome to a community where everyone is trying to live as Jesus taught. Come and see what we believe at
This is Church Church begins on Sunday, but does it end there? Imagine if church extended beyond the four walls of a building to inspire us every day.


'Invite all of God’s children on both sides of the veil to come unto their Savior, receive the blessings of the holy temple, have enduring joy, and qualify for eternal life.'




  • Follow the Prophet
  • Invite a Friend to Sacrament Meeting
  • Take an Ancestor to the Temple


  • Enjoy the blessings of daily repentance.
  • Prayerfully seek ministering opportunities.
  • Invite family, extended family, and friends to sacrament meeting to learn of Christ.
  • Share online Church messages with family and friends.
  • Be fully engaged in 'Come Follow Me' and prayerfully seek personal revelation.
  • Strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ by thoughtful Sabbath day observance at home and at church.
  • Extend great care to new and returning members.
  • Be continually mindful of the rising generation.
  • Focus ward council on how to help members and friends progress individually and as families along the covenant path.
  • Be worthy of a temple recommend.
  • Take family names to the House of the Lord and help others to do so.
  • Give utmost priority to unite and complete families on both sides of the veil.

Indicators of progress

Ward and stake leaders will be able to measure progress by monitoring these key indicators from the Quarterly Report:

  • Ministering interviews

  • Endowed members with a current temple recommend

  • Sacrament meeting attendance: at Church and at home

  • Members who submitted names of ancestors for temple ordinances


The specific actions members should take to help individuals and families participate in the work of salvation are an important part of the area plan.

Leaders: Members of coordinating, stake, and ward councils should prayerfully develop specific steps they will take to accomplish the area vision, priorities, and goals. Leaders are encouraged to prayerfully consider specific names of individuals to focus their attention on.

Individuals and Families: Individuals and families are encouraged to set specific measurable goals on a small pocket card to help them focus their efforts on the three priorities of the area plan in their personal lives.

Accountability and Follow Up: Area Seventies encourage stake presidents to develop meaningful ways to implement the area plan and continually follow up with them on their progress. Stake presidents in turn encourage bishops to work with priesthood and auxiliary leaders in developing ways to implement the area plan and likewise follow up and encourage them.

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Come and see what we believe at

Family at Preston Temple