Interfaith in Aberdeen has been established for 25 years, but, only in the past few years has the Church been heavily involved in making a difference and building relationships with other faiths.
This summer the Ward started engaging in weekly ‘Interfaith Football’, with its ‘rising generation’. Recently the local radio station interviewed players. (View the YouTube item at
Over the 2021/2022 winter months the Ward hopes to move the weekly event into its cultural hall to keep it ‘alive’.
The Aberdeen Stake vision for this year is taken from Mosiah 18:21 in particular the part that states 'Having their hearts knit hearts together in unity'. Working together, members of both religions have managed to make these events not only happen regularly but have more of their friends come and join in. They have not only grown to respect each other as players but have become friends who respect one another for their fair play and zeal for the game.
A bond has developed between the teams and they feel they can invite them to future events.
The Stake Young men's President attends regularly along with the Bishop and his sons.
We are confident that the success of this venture will reap great rewards in bringing unity and understanding, and respect for each other's Faith.