A Family History Afternoon

by Sylvia Anderson

My Familly Booklet

Last year an amazing Family History event was hosted by the Crystal Palace branch situated in Nightingale Lane, South West London. Through great diligence and commitment, the organisers (Janice Bailey, Karen Adams and Helen Mitchell-Mohammed) did a tremendous job in making this event available to members of the Church, as well as to members of the general public.

The result was a successful day, attended by over 60 people, a significant number of whom were members of the public who saw the publicity and decided to come along.

To reach as wide an audience as possible the event was advertised through a variety of sources, including a local newspaper, flyers in local libraries, and through Facebook pages for both local branches and the local Family History Centre. Flyers were also posted on other genealogical pages on Facebook and on the website “Eventbrite”.

People at the Family History Center

Sister Curley, Sister Sharon Tomlin and Elder and Sister Inskeep from the London FamilySearch Centre gave presentations at the event. They also facilitated workshops on different aspects of family history work, supported by family history consultants from local branches of the church.

There was something for everyone; from the complete novice to the more experienced who perhaps just had specific questions to ask to aid their progress. The Church is widely known for its vast quantity of genealogical records that it makes freely available to everyone engaged in family history activity.  So it was gratifying for the organisers and presenters to not only have been able to introduce family history work to such a wide range of people but also to enhance the knowledge, understanding and skill of those who have already started.

Indeed, lead family history consultant for the local area, Helen Mitchell-Mohammed, commented:

“We thoroughly enjoyed the activity and received wonderful feedback about it despite practically breaking the internet with so many people logging on at the same time.  There was such a wonderful spirit felt throughout the event.”

To end the day members of Crystal Palace Branch hosted a barbecue to which all participants were invited.