Six young adults from different faiths formed a panel on the 10th of September 2020 for a ‘Zoomed’ activity organised by the Altrincham Interfaith Group.
‘Young Voices’ was an opportunity to hear the views of younger members of a diverse society. James Viner, from the Manchester Stake, recently returned from serving as a volunteer missionary to South Africa, had the opportunity to represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Other faiths represented were Islam, Baha’i, Hinduism, Judaism, and Roman Catholicism.
“How important are your holy books to you considering that they were written so long ago?”, was the question posed to James, and the Hindu and Jewish representatives. Their common answer was that they deemed their scriptures to be relevant to today.
All the panellists agreed that youth had a responsibility to present their faith in a vibrant way. All wanted to help others.
Other questions addressed science and religion, and discrimination. James said, in his school years, that others found him weird because he went to church.
The panellists were thanked for their sensitive and stimulating contributions. They gave hope for a future world, one with young people like them.