Elder Adair feels joy as he sees hearts touched and lives changed through online missionary work.
Sister Hager shares her experience as she trains missionaries in online and face to face missionary work.
Reaching out through social media to support people who are learning about Jesus Christ.
Elders Eppich and Elliot explain how they fellowshipped and worked with Carl so that he could receive additional blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Elder and Sister Dier oversee the Church’s Resource Center in Paris, where they are able to teach a variety of courses and thereby effectively minister to the one.
Sisters Honn and Oldham of the Poland Warsaw Mission share some of their choice experiences in working with the Rising Generation to successfully bring souls unto Christ.
Sister Gilbert of the Sweden Stockholm Mission explains how she and her companion are using Facebook Marketplace to realize President Benson’s vision for mass distributing the Book of Mormon.
When the first baptism in a few years is about to take place, missionaries help to make it a spiritual event for the whole congregation.
Elders Ruff, Giacalone, and Woolley of the Italy Milan Mission explain how they are partnering with local Young Single Adults to more effectively gather the Lord’s elect.
Elders Mengolli, Prince, and Hughes of the France Lyon Mission explain how they were able to reconnect with a former investigator, who was still waiting for his chance to be baptized. Imagine his joy when he was finally able to make this sacred covenant with Christ.
Two sister missionaries teach a young girl and involve other primary girls to make the lessons more enticing and exciting for kids.
A family of four lost contact with the Church during the pandemic. Two sister missionaries prayerfully search their area book and get back in touch with them. The whole family desires to be baptized.