What do Latter-Day Saints believe about God?
Watch this 60-second video on Christ and His relevance. Learn the names He goes by: the King of kings, the Lord of lords.
The family is a divine building block of society that can bring so much joy into life.
Watch this video to learn how we can be with our families forever.
God used prophets in the biblical times to relay His message and teach His children. Today, that same God is still calling prophets. Watch this video on why it’s important that we have prophets on the earth today.
This video sums up the Book of Mormon in 60 seconds. It answers the questions, “What is the Book of Mormon?” “When did it take place?” “Who is in it?” and “Why is it another book of scripture and testament of Jesus Christ?”
The Holy Bible is a sacred book that contains the word of God. It foretells the coming of Jesus Christ and describes His life, His mission, and His sacred role as the Son of God and Savior of the world.
For Mormons, going to church is more than just an hour or two once a week. The Church is a community where there are several organizations for men, women, youth, and so much more. Watch this video to learn more about what the community means to Mormons.
Elder Neil L. Andersen outlines the blessings of having a prophet on the earth today.
God makes it easy for us to follow Him by giving us commandments. Following the commandments can lead to happiness. We certainly are not perfect, but God has given us a way to be forgiven of our sins through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf takes us back 2,000 years to the Garden of Gethsemane and explains why the Atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is the greatest day in history.
Discover how the Power of Christ’s Atonement helps us to overcome all of life’s challenges and more.
Elder M. Russell Ballard testifies of how serving our fellow man brings blessings to both the servant and beneficiary.
Elder Ulisses Soares testifies of how lasting faith in Christ can help us overcome life’s challenges.