The official opening of the new building for the Waterford Branch was performed on Saturday 20th. December 2014 by Councillor John Carey, Deputy Mayor of the Waterford Metropolitan District. He was met on his arrival by District President Tom Murphy who introduced him to President Alan Brown, Mission President for Scotland/Ireland. Also in attendance was Sister Brown, the counsellors on the District Presidency, Niall Graham and Robert Kearney and Patrick Carthy, the Waterford Branch President, with his counsellors Philip Mullan and Michael Moylan. The auxilliary leaders and members of the branch also showed their support for the event.
The Deputy Mayor was very impressed with the presentation given by the missionaries and the displays by the auxiliary leaders. In his address following his tour he mentioned how impressive the new building is and that it will encourage growth in the future. His knowledge of the Church was impressive especially the history of the Church in Ireland. In his comments he mentioned the Prophet Joseph Smith and our present prophet, President Thomas S. Monson.
The Deputy Mayor afterwards gave his personal phone number to the missionaries and invited them to call on him in the future. The missionaries presented him with a Book of Mormon and a box of handmade chocolates for his wife.