When my companion, Sister Wyssenbach, and I found out we were going to be quarantined, we decided to join a couple of Bible Facebook groups. We reached out to these online groups in the hope that the Lord might lead us to people willing to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is exactly what happened! I joined a Bible group and posted the question, 'What is your favorite Bible verse?' The post received over 4,000 comments and around 6,000 likes. Additionally, I received over 30 friend requests from people all over the world who are part of this Bible group. I sent all of them a message and asked more questions about their faith.
One of the people I began messaging is a young man from Africa named M. We messaged each other and talked about our beliefs and the Bible. Sister Wyssenbach and I decided we should send him the link to the Book of Mormon app, bear testimony of its truthfulness, and invite him to begin reading it. We were absolutely amazed when he texted us back and said he would be more than happy to read the Book of Mormon. He began reading it and even sent pictures of the notes he was taking!! About three weeks after he started reading the Book of Mormon, he sent a text saying, 'Thank you for sharing the Book of Mormon with me. Everyone is interested!' I was surprised by 'everyone is interested' so I asked him, 'Who is everyone?' He explained that he had already shared the Book of Mormon with his family and 30 of his friends in his community. He also explained that some of his friends weren't able to download the app, so he went over to their houses and read the Book of Mormon with them using his phone. My companion and I did video chats with him a few times and taught him some of the missionary lessons. We referred him to the missionaries in his area, but because of Corona they were not able to visit him. After waiting a little over a month, the missionaries were finally able to meet with them in person this past Friday. M. and his entire family are currently being taught and want to be baptized.

One of the many things I have learned from M. is the importance of the Book of Mormon. After he told us about sharing the Book of Mormon with his friends, he said, 'This book has made me so happy. Why would I not share it with others?' This question really hit me and helped me to realize how lucky we are as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints to share this wonderful book with others. I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time!! I know that God is in every detail of His work - whether that is finding on the streets or finding on Facebook, God is there in every detail. I know that the Book of Mormon is true and that it truly is the book that brings us closest to our loving Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Sister Jacobsen
Norway Oslo Mission