Gerrit W. Gong encourages us in our efforts to grow our faith when he spoke to us during General Conference.
Ulisses Soares describes the blessings of fellowshipping others at church when he spoke to us during General Conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Elder Neil L. Andersen reminds us of the opportunity we have to hear the voice of the Lord through His chosen servants at General Conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.