The Heroes of Harlow

The Heroes of Harlow

Their children are grown and gone. It's just the two of them. For themselves, they have no need of a passenger van for seven. Yet they have one. They are what we call 'empty nesters'.  Though their nest may be empty, their van is not. Steve and Carol Tappenden are the heroes of Harlow, especially to the young single adults in their area.

Called in December, 2010, as bishop of the Harlow Ward, Bishop and Sister Tappenden immediately took the lead in caring for the young single adults in their Ward and helping them associate with the other young singles in the stake.  When other empty nesters are enjoying the fruits of their labours, the Tappendens are still labouring.  Instead of travelling the world, they travel the roads of Hertfordshire County. And instead of enjoying the laughter of their friends, they enjoy the laughter of the young single adults.

In the outlying areas of London, the public transportation system doesn't always get you where you want to go like the buses and the underground in London proper.  So the young adults are often hampered in getting to activities, unless they have a car. And in England, with the cost of petrol and parking, even if they owned a car, the costs put a huge dent in their budgets. So enter the terrific Tappendens at your service, if you please.

If you want to attend Institute, family home evening, a dance, an activity, or a conference, you'll have no transport obstacles.  And these young adults aren't put in the begging position. Thanks to the sensitive awareness of the Tappendens, they only have to accept the offer of transportation.

Although they are the smallest ward in the largest geographical area of the St. Albans Stake, Bishop Tappenden and his sweet wife shepherd their flock wherever the fellowship of the young single adults are.  You'll find them listening in at the family home evening activities, learning along with the young adults at Institute, or sitting in their car in the parking bays waiting for the dance to be over.

Someone said 'a hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself'.  Steve and Carol Tappenden are the heroes of Harlow.