Local News Articles

Sister Thomas recalls a very memorable ministering visit.
Organisations and individuals from diverse cultures work together to benefit the communities in the Poole Stake.
The Prince of Peace is the answer to reconciling conflicts. He expects us to work in unity with everyone who desires peace.
In 1854, Elders David Jeremy and Daniel Thomas were attacked by a mob while preaching in Llangeler Parish, Carmarthenshire.
Get in contact if you have a story
The Lichfield Stake and its members feel excited and blessed to have four service missionaries serving in charitable organisations within the Stake.
My service mission has saved me. It has given me purpose and focus; I felt lost for a long time and this mission ‘found’ me.
10-year-old Evelyn said a prayer in a dinghy with stormy sea
Sister Julie Jones took a trip to Poland with a British government delegation to see how Poland is coping with the influx of Ukrainian refugees.
A landmark event in the growth of chaplaincy in the UK as 15 Latter-day Saint Prison Chaplains met together for a two-day conference.
Are we not blessed to stand on the shoulders of those ‘giants’ who gave faithful and tireless service to the benefit of many?
Service in the community by preparing shoe boxes