Local News Articles

Heavenly Father always makes a way to achieve His work
Kashmir shares his experience as a member of the Church from Sikh origins
When I was young, my oldest sister took me to a Christian church. I was given a picture of Jesus Christ, and a hand-sized New Testament, which I still possess.
Hazel Price, a long-standing member of Aylesbury Ward, has always enjoyed singing, including singing in ward and stake choirs.
George Chittock recounts his National Service experience.
Two Lancashire business people joined forces to form a voluntary group called Holiday Hunger East Lancashire.
There is a special spirit that comes into our hearts when we firmly ensure correct use of the name of the Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Burnley Female Health and Hygiene project supported by LDS Charities
Millie Why talks about serving a service mission
I began deeply pondering the meaning of the word ‘happy'
I was pondering the meaning and significance of the principles that applied to it.
I have come to understand that moral values and Christlike attributes are only truly acquired through personal, stretching experiences.