
On 12th July 2016 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was represented on the South Wales Interfaith Council at the Royal Opening of the 5th session of the Welsh Assembly (the Senedd) by Julie Jones.
Around 50 members from the Northampton stake joined with local Sikhs to help clear land and prepare for the building of a Gurdwara at St James Mill in the centre of Northampton. 
Recently, more than 60 members and friends of the York Interfaith Group, met at York Medical Society Rooms to consider the afterlife.
Members of the Manchester Young Single Adult congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints noticed that the Chinese New Year coincided with the Interfaith Harmony Week and decided to celebrate both at the same time. The evening activity combined socialising and fun with games and food.
Rachel Barry, Stake Relief Society President in the Cardiff Stake, attended the Cardiff Interfaith Evening held at the Darul Isra Mosque in Cardiff, a Muslim Welfare and Education Centre serving the local community.
Women from various faiths which included Baha’i, Buddhist, Hindu, Pagan and Christian were invited to speak on ‘Women of Faith Who Inspire Me’. 
The Lord Mayor began her investigations by completing an ‘easy-start’ form; outlining some key information about her known ancestors.
The Family Values Awards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recognise civic, faith and other community leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the family.
On the 12 September 2015 during Fife Diversity Week, an event called “Try Interfaith” was held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Dunfermline.
On 5th August 2015, the Church had the opportunity to make the Cardiff Chapel available to the Interfaith Council of Wales for an event honouring Eid Al-fitr, marking the end of Ramadan.
The Discover Islam exhibition was launched at the Senedd (National Assembly for Wales) in Cardiff Bay and attended by Ian Govier, Merthyr Tydfil Stake President and Julie Jones, LDS member of Interfaith Council for Wales.