Church History Pioneering Members

Sisters of the United Brethren
The only person born in the Emerald Isle to become a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
The Sharps of Clackmannan
The people of Scotland are slow to believe and embrace the truth, but after they have embraced it, they are firm
Elizabeth George Labram Janes
The place where the first recorded convert baptism in South Wales of James W. Palmer took place on 13 April 1840
Charlotte Orme of Derby branch: Woman of Great Faith
Sister Alder was the first unmarried sister missionary older than thirty, and the first widowed sister missionary formally called to proselytize for the Church.
First Missionary To France
The Bradley family were stalwarts of Derby branch
Elizabeth Bradley served thirty-six years as Relief Society President
Are we not blessed to stand on the shoulders of those ‘giants’ who gave faithful and tireless service to the benefit of many?