Area Leadership Message

I truly believe the Lord loves grateful people and we will be even more blessed with what we need, because we are grateful.
May we work diligently to prepare, train and nurture our spirit, just like we do with our body, by developing good spiritual habits.
I testify that this is true. When we prepare with gratitude and in joyful anticipation conditioning our hearts for the Lord to take and seal it for His courts above General Conferences can become some of the greatest times of the year
I invite you to document the hand of the Lord in your life, starting retrospectively as far as you can remember.
“Building and maintaining temples may not change your life but spending your time in the temple surely will”
Get to know Jesus Christ and let Him elevate your life.
As you pray, study the scriptures, serve others, make covenants with the Lord, and testify of Him, you will come to know your Savior Jesus Christ even better.
Positive change starts with each of us and our desire to personally contribute, to be of one heart and one mind.
As we love all children of God, whichever circumstances they come from, we have the promise that the spirit of the Lord will abide in us.
Elder Mark A. Dundon gives us the monthly message
The Lord knows our weaknesses and our strengths. He knows that in this process of choices we will make mistakes and that is why he has provided a mediator.
The first great truth is that God loves you. You are His child and matter to Him.