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Broadcast to Ireland/Northern Ireland with President Emily Belle Freeman the Young Women General President
The fourth volume of Saints covers the period 1955-2020 and takes readers on a journey around the world as they watch how the Church grew and developed in different international locations.
The path to conversion, like a marriage, may begin with a flash of inspiration, but will blos-som into covenant relationship with God, where we are filled with His love.
As we obey the Lord and learn to trust and love Him, our heart gradually changes, and our desires shift their focus towards our covenant relationship with Him.
Helen Hubbert has created a great tradition of service where people ask to volunteer and who want to do their part.
Tarring and feathering is a form of social justice associated more with 19th century America than with the birthplace of George Eliot.
Members in Luton work together with other local churches to help asylum seekers.
Go to, then, you who are gifted; cultivate your gift... in all ways bless others with it.