Elders in Germany teach the Restoration to members, build strong relationships with them and connect one member each with friends of the church, returning members and recent converts.
Sister missionary shares how quarantine helped to be more in touch with members. She learned that ministering means listening and testifies that the Spirit does work over technology.
Sisters in Poland arrange online church meetings and because church was then happening over technology a woman was finally able to join and connect to the members.
Sisters in Spain use their musical talents and play music to touch the hearts of many.
Sisters in Sweden add inactive members on Facebook and start texting them. They have success with people they weren't really able to connect to before.
Elders in Italy start online study groups and host social activities over Zoom to serve members and connect with them.
Elders in France create a Facebook page to find people and receive a referral that wants to be baptized.
Elders in Sweden offer to help with Family History on Facebook and with the help of the members teach people more about it through Zoom.
Sisters in Portugal have their friends join in online sacrament meetings they have with their families at home.
Elders in Spain share how to make a Facebook Live interactive, find people to teach and involve members in the Facebook finding process.
Elders in Spain share how Facebook groups with members and nonmember friends can be a great tool for missionaries to find and share gospel truths.
Elders in North Carolina use new app to work effectively with members and to improve their own skills and as a result receive several referrals.