Hesley Woods Scout Activity Centre in Sheffield hosted Aaronic Priesthood commemoration camp on the 22nd and 23rd of May.
All participants enjoyed an uplifting and inspirational workshop encouraging acts of Christlike service, and then set goals for what they would do following the counsel in Doctrine and Covenants 4:2: “Therefore, O ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye serve him with all your heart, might, mind and strength, that ye may stand blameless before God at the last day.”
Following the workshop, teams performed Helping Hands projects throughout the site, moving and stacking logs so others can enjoy a campfire, clearing the Beaver play area, and removing sleepers and materials from the Cresta Run toboggan track, which is currently under reconstruction.
In total, over 160 hours of work were donated to the site.
Luke Joseph, site maintenance manager, remarked, “The young men have worked really well and effectively. In this three-hour block of time we have done work that would have taken us weeks to complete.”
Site manager Edwin Buttimer emailed, “It was great to have you, and we always look forward to having you stay with us.”
Other activities throughout the weekend included a campfire, competitive buggy racing, building the highest crate stack tower, ‘dads and lads’ football match and flying egg race, where teams of two worked together to construct and propel an egg, without cracks or damage, the furthest distance.