Hungarian sister missionaries offer their English class through an ad on social media. They find people to teach English to, and also a young man who is interested in the gospel.
Missionaries serve and find friends to teach by posting uplifting material in Christian Facebook groups.
Elders in Norway explore ways to successfully work with local members of the church through online conferencing tools.
Sister missionaries in Switzerland turn to social media during the Corona lock down and create engaging videos for finding people to teach.
Elders in Poland invited their friends to attend General Conference online, two of them later decide to be baptized.
Elders meet online with local members to share their testimonies and ask for referrals.
Sister missionaries find creative ways to film videos that uplift their friends.
President Nelson Invites Us to Hear the Voice of The Lord
Watching an online devotional touches a young family and they feel the desire to learn more about God.
By contacting people that were taught by previous missionaries, three sister missionaries now teach 23 friends that are preparing for baptism.
2 Missionaries explain how to share the Gospel through technology
2 Missionaries explain how to create a friendly environment to initiate a conversation