Serving God's Children
Brasilian Elders serving in England find people to teach and returning members by offering English classes to Brasilian communities.
Hungarian sister missionaries offer their English class through an ad on social media. They find people to teach English to, and also a young man who is interested in the gospel.
Sister missionaries in the Netherlands use their musical talents in Facebook live streams to share their testimony and connect people to God.
Sister missionaries revitalise the Facebook page of the Rome Temple Visitor Centre during the quarantine.
Sister missionaries touch hearts by giving virtual temple tours through Facebook messenger and through presentation slides.
Missionaries gather members and their friends through online worship services on Facebook Live meetings.
Missionaries create a regular Sunday devotional on Facebook that allows them to talk about the gospel.
A sister missionary explores how she can use her personality to create engaging video adverts.
Sister missionaries find creative ways to film videos that uplift their friends.
Missionaries teach young women how to post uplifting and gospel oriented content on social media.
Elders team up with local teachers and supply them with their own videos to teach English.
After offering their help in Facebook groups, missionaries receive countless opportunities for service projects.