Relief Society: A Blessing in My Life

by Beatriz Sousa

A group of British Relief Society sisters gather to serve

During my mission in Leeds, I had the sacred opportunity to both serve and be with many sisters in various wards and witness the influence, power and beauty of Relief Society. The Prophet Joseph Smith told the Relief Society in their first meeting that such remarkable things would come from their faithful service. (1) And I have witnessed this, I have been a recipient of this faithful service from astonishing and strong faith-filled daughters of God and disciples of Jesus Christ. A precious memory I have is when I was serving in Beverley, and the Relief Society came together for a service project to produce shoeboxes for orphans following a devastating earthquake in Turkey; we came together to bring Christ’s relief and love.

Upon returning home from my mission, the Cheltenham Relief Society sisters embraced me with their love and support, and it touched my heart. The sisters are incredible. They are in tune with the spirit, and truly “mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and… stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places…” (2) I love meeting with each of the sisters in my ward, to get to know them, their families, their story, and their life. These sisters – these daughters of God – are faithful to their covenants and strive to follow the example of the Saviour each and every day.

Lucy Mack Smith counselled: “We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another and gain instruction, that we may all sit down in heaven together.” (3) I have truly witnessed this. I have witnessed the profound impact the sisters have in their communities, families and wards. Their love, counsel and service are timeless and embedded in my heart. They are of one heart, one mind, and are determined to help the Lord build His Kingdom. (4) I am very grateful that I am a part of Relief Society.

1. Henry B. Eyring, “The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society,” Liahona, Nov 2009, 121
2. Mosiah 18:9
3. Lucy Mack Smith, Female Relief Society of Nauvoo Minute Book, Mar. 24, 1842
4. Henry B. Eyring, “The Enduring Legacy of Relief Society,” Liahona, Nov 2009, 121