A countless number of oak saplings were pulled up in the searing heat at Blackwater Meadows by members of the Farnborough ward who volunteered over 200 hours on Saturday 20th July.
The solid conditions of the parched ground made digging the 3 inch to 4 foot oak seedlings, which at times appeared more like trees, back-breaking work. To protect and prevent the tranquil meadows natural habitat from turning into a shaded woodland, it was crucial that the work was carried out.
The sun drenched conditions may have bent forks and blistered hands, but it never broke the spirits of the hard-working volunteers. Bishop Rushforth spoke of the valiant effort saying, “It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.” When asked why the ward members got involved with the conservation project he added, “Serving others is one of the fundamental principles of our religion, and it’s always a pleasure to contribute something to the local community.”
Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership who improve the local area’s green spaces and wildlife, gladly invited and organised the day for the Church members to participate. BVCP Senior Ranger, Andrew Price, who made sure everything ran smoothly commented, “It was wonderful to see families of all ages turn up with smiles on their faces.” After passing on his warm gratitude he continued, “They made what appeared to look like gruelling work, given the heat, look relatively easy, and it’s fantastic to see organisations such as The Church of Jesus Christ care about the community they live in.”