Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints launched a 10-day, four-country ministry in northern Europe with a visit to the Ronald McDonald House in Dublin, Ireland, on Friday, November 1, 2024.
“One of the great humanitarian works that is happening here is this care for families who have sick children, who will have to leave their home and come and stay at the hospital in order to receive the care that they need,” President Freeman said.
In addition to a visit to the current Ronald McDonald House, President Freeman and other Church leaders also toured the site of a Ronald McDonald House being built near a new children’s hospital, which is also under construction.
The Church of Jesus Christ’s donation will provide furnishings, fixtures and equipment for the new facility.
“Thank you for thinking of our families,” said Marian Carroll, chairperson of Ronald McDonald House Charities in Ireland. “You will be part of something quite amazing for generations to come.”


Ministering in Ireland
“It was good to be able to feel like we’re seen and that we that we’re looked after and that we’re part of something bigger than just us,” said Meka Strack, 19, a Latter-day Saint who met President Freeman during a gathering of young women and their leaders at a home in Dublin.
“I really love that she took the time to listen to us,” Strack added.
The global leader of the Young Women’s organization also attended a seminary graduation at a Dublin meetinghouse on Saturday, November 2. Seminary is a four-year religious educational program for youth ages 14 through 18.
“Sometimes our light is the most powerful thing that you bring to a situation,” President Freeman told seminary graduates and their families.
One graduate, Michael Holton, said the accomplishment “is a big part of my youth experience.” The 17-year-old is getting ready to serve a full-time mission.
President Freeman will also meet with youth and other Latter-day Saints in Scotland, Norway and England during her ministry in northern Europe.
“I have the opportunity to work with the young women primarily, but [also] the youth at large and the rising generation of the Church. I believe in them. I trust them. As we equip and empower them to rely on their testimony of Jesus Christ, they will share that testimony, that light, with the entire world as disciples of Jesus Christ,” she said.