God is the source of all truth. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints embraces all truth that God conveys to His children.
Jesus has overcome the abuses of this world to give you power to not only survive but one day, through Him, to overcome and even conquer.
Healing the Brokenhearted: Feeling God’s Love after Experiencing Abuse | BYU Women’s Conference 2021
Abuse can leave us wondering: If God loves me, why did this happen? We may think, if He allowed this to happen: He must not love me, I must not be worthy of love, I deserved this. As promised from our loving Heavenly Father, these times of pain need not last forever. We can find healing through God’s love and promises. How can our trust and faith in God bring light to our most dark and trying experiences? This session will address strategies for seeking professional help and finding healing as we turn to the Lord.
Children are the promise of the future. They are the future itself. The tragedy is that so many are born to lives of sorrow, of hunger, of fear and trouble and want.
Chieko Okazaki talks about 'Embracing Hope: Confronting, Understanding, and Healing from Abuse'
I … wish to set forth, as simply as I know how, my response to what people are asking.
Our behavior in public must be above reproach. Our behavior in private is even more important. It must clear the standard set by the Lord.
To live in such a way that you give beauty for the ashes of your life is an act of faith that follows the Savior.
Our words, like our deeds, should be filled with faith and hope and charity.
If we desire to have a proper spirit with us at all times, we must choose to refrain from becoming angry.
None should resist the plea that we unite to increase our concern for the welfare and future of our children—the rising generation.
How do you best respond when mental or emotional challenges confront you or those you love?