Quarantined elders create an engaging Facebook ad and find people that they have never been able to reach before.
Missionaries serve and find friends to teach by posting uplifting material in Christian Facebook groups.
Elders team up with local teachers and supply them with their own videos to teach English.
Hungarian sister missionaries offer their English class through an ad on social media. They find people to teach English to, and also a young man who is interested in the gospel.
2 Missionaries show how to create the Perfect Facebook Profile
2 Missionaries explain how to find new friends by joining Facebook groups
2 Missionaries explain how to friend people living in your area
2 Missionaries explain how to build up a genuine connection with new friends
2 Missionaries give ideas on transitioning to a Gospel conversation
2 missionaries explain how to set up an appointment to share the Gospel
2 Missionaries explain how to create a friendly environment to initiate a conversation
He Is Risen - Mormon Tabernacle Choir