To serve the Lord as a missionary is a sacred privilege. It brings eternal blessings to the person and those he or she serves (see Doctrine and Covenants 18:14–16). Mission calls include an assignment to teach the gospel, support the work of Church departments or units, or serve in the local community.
For additional information regarding missionary service visit:
- Service Missionary Opportunities within the Europe Area
Which types of mission exist?
Each [missionary] assignment is guided by revelation so it is suited to the missionary and the needs of God’s children.[1] One can serve either away from home or while staying at home.
Away-from-home Mission
- Young men and young women
Single men (ages 18–25) and single women (ages 19-29) serve 18-24 months in an assigned mission. See General Handbook 24.2.1 - Married members and single women ages 40 or older
Married members and single women ages 40 or older may be called as senior missionaries if they do not have dependent children. They usually serve 6-23 months. See General Handbook 24.2.3
Stay-at-home Mission
- Young men and young women
Some young missionaries are assigned to serve in the Church and the community while living at home. They usually serve 6-23 months. See General Handbook 24.2.2 - Men and women ages 26 and older
Men and women ages 26 and older may be called as senior service missionaries. They typically serve 6-23 months. See General Handbook 24.2.3
Click here for Service Missionary Opportunities within the Europe Area