We just wanted to share a story of how we have found success during these unique circumstances of being quarantined. To start from the beginning, we have been teaching a friend who has 2 kids who are very active and energetic!! Oh how we love these kids. But wow, it was such a struggle to have a lesson with 2 children trying for their mum's attention. When we found out we weren't able to meet in person we were so worried that we wouldn't be able to connect with her and more importantly bring the Spirit. We really didn't think the Spirit would be there over the phone.
But oh, how wrong we were. We have been able to call her at 8:30pm when her kids are asleep and she is all ears. By the end of the day she is exhausted but she always tells us that our lessons lift her spirits and she has never felt closer to God. She continues to let us know how her relationship with her Saviour and Heavenly Father has grown immensely and continues to grow each day. What an incredible unprecedented miracle this has been. We have had some of the most spiritual lessons with her and her desire to be baptized has continued to grow. The spirit has taught her in every single lesson. We have definitely seen the Lord's hand in all of this and we know that nothing will stop His work from moving forward. We are grateful to be a part of such an amazing and unique time. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true!
Alma 32:28
Sister Guymon & Sister Taunton
England Birmingham Mission