'Lamb of God' - Lasting memories

'Lamb of God' - Lasting memories

The Birmingham Town Hall was the first prestigious public venue to host The British Saints Symphony Choir and Orchestra.  On Saturday May 30th the full premier production of 'Lamb of God', A Concert of Sacred Music composed by Rob Gardner was performed in this historic building.

One hundred and fifty Young Adults from all over the United Kingdom gathered for two performances to the delight of hundreds of members of the public, church members and their guests.

Among those attending were The Worshipful The Mayor of Solihull, Councillor Glenis Slater and her Consort Mr. Clive Slater with members of the Solihull Ward. They were delighted with the performance and were impressed with the very high standard of delivery.

Ian Holland a representative of the Baha'i Faith also attended as an invited guest and shared his thoughts afterwards.  He said, 'The evening was really magnificent. I got the sense it was going to be something special when I realised it was to be hosted at the Birmingham Town Hall. These days it is not easy to reflect or revere the sacred.  However, the composer, the orchestra, the choir and the soloists combined to do just that. I told a number of people how beautiful and extremely powerful it was.  This awesome performance will stay with me for a long time.'

The choir and orchestra had been practicing together at weekends since October 2014 in LDS Chapels in Birmingham and the North. They travelled from Scotland, Ireland, Norfolk and Dorset as well as from many areas in the Midlands and Yorkshire. During the lunch break of the final rehearsal in Harbourne a selection of singers performed an organised Flash Mob in the local Waitrose Supermarket to the delight of the shoppers. One customer commented that she had realised while she was shopping, it would have been her father’s 100th birthday on that very day, and the beautiful singing had overwhelmed her emotions!

These talented musicians, singers, soloists and narrators dedicated themselves fully to the commitment of excellence for which the producers Megan Hodun, musical/vocal director and Philip Siu, conductor, orchestra/narration were so hopeful.  Short parts of the score are sung in Aramaic- the language of the Saviour and His contemporaries in order to evoke the power and emotion that the composer desired.

The versatility of the orchestra and performers was evident during the emotional crescendos often ending in complete silence, leaving the audience with their thoughts about their own beliefs and feelings.

The enthusiastic applause and standing ovation closing the polished evening performance showed that the piece of orchestral music, choral interludes, solos and readings had brought a deeper regard for the life of our Saviour.