By following the principles of the gospel, we can stand firm, steadfast and immovable during our trials.
May we always remember that each spirit child of God is coming to earth on his or her own personal journey.
Jesus Christ is the 'Caregiver of our Soul' and will take upon Himself all our pain, weakness and infirmities.
Having hope in Christ is essential to overcoming adversity and knowing that we are loved by our Eternal Father.
The Saviour gives 'not as the world giveth' but provides peace and helps us overcome our fears.
On the covenant path we can find the essential blessings of forgiveness and cleansing from sin.
Because of Jesus Christ, our mistakes need not define us. Instead, they can refine us.
We have a responsibility to be role models of kindness, inclusion and civility and to have a Christlike Love For Others.
Allowing God to prevail in our lives begins with faith that He is willing to guide us.
It can be easy to take the majesty of creation for granted and forget it's divine origin.
President Russell M. Nelson shares a special invitation for Holy Week and Easter Sunday. The prophet invites you to come closer to Jesus in the week leading up to Easter.
Learn how you can share the gospel online by inviting people to experience the goodness and blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ.