Just like you
If Jesus were here right now, what would He say to you? Pondering values, principles, and doctrine will help you to focus on Him and make wise decisions for your own life.
Ronald A. Rasband encourages us all to follow the Saviours example and love one another.
Discover the joy of serving others at Christmas time.
We can follow Jesus´ example as a peacemaker when we share our beliefs with conviction, but always void of anger or malice.
Our efforts don’t always require money or faraway locations; they require a willing heart to say to the Lord, “Here am I; send me.”
Personal peace can be achieved through the Saviour despite the anger, contention, and division that blight and corrupt our world today.
Do you wonder what Jesus was referring to when He asked Peter, “Lovest thou me more than these?”
When we make time for the Lord we can receive the guidance to help us avoid the pressures and confusions of the world.
As you come to the Saviour your life can be filled with confidence, protection and a deep and lasting joy.
When we keep God's commandments and have our hearts knit together we can become united in righteousness.
We can serve like the Saviour when we forget our own problems and reach out and minister to others.
We should all learn to be personal peacemakers and treat those around us with admiration and respect.