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Despite living in an ever changing world, God's love and guidance is always there for us.
Understanding the relationship between God and His Son, Jesus Christ, can help us strengthen our own bonds with the Saviour.
Although at times we may feel we have many guidelines, God gives his children these to bless them and keep them safe.
With the constant noise of the world around us, turning off distractions can help receive the peace we desperately need.
Out of all of God's many creations, you are His most important.
Everything around us implies that there is a God. But how does that affect our own lives?
Discover the facts of the Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ, leaving you to ask the question, 'How can it not be true?
Discover the facts that make the Book of Mormon such a miraculous book of scripture, leaving you to ask the question, 'How can it not be true?