Members at Newton Abbot, Devon in the Plymouth Stake carried out a litter pick at Decoy Park on the annual Helping Hands day of service in September. Families gathered at 9.30am and after collecting their black bags and putting on their Helping Hands tabards everyone commenced the work in hand. Bishop Peter Vousden donned his gloves and joined in with the labour at this much loved local park.
Children had fun working alongside their parents and Bishop Vousden commented, “It was great to see young and old alike involved in community service in such a popular place as Decoy Park. It is a good way to teach children and grown-ups that it is better to keep our parks clean and tidy so that we can enjoy them to the full”.
Altogether some 16-20 bags of rubbish were collected, plus a very rusty shopping basket and a child’s trike and Simon Cunningham, the Park Ranger, was pleased with the effort and grateful for the help at the end of the summer season.