Eleven year old Shauna Rodgers-Fee, from North Ferriby near Hull, recently worked with two other girls on the garden of a family whose home was flooded last December. The hard-working threesome spent a morning clearing weeds and planting out pots and hanging baskets with items that had been donated by the local garden centre.
Shauna and her friends are members of Lifestyle, a programme that operates under the supervision of the police to assist needy people in the community. The police monitor the team’s activities and offer ideas for suitable projects.
This is the fourth project that Shauna has been involved in and other activities completed so far include dog walking and cooking for a gentleman whose wife was ill and raising money to assist a number of other people.
Shauna and the other members of her team are keen to carry on helping others. The appreciation shown and the friendships made have motivated them to carry on serving.
Shauna is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and attends church in Hull with her grandparents, Bill and Sandra Fee.