Grimsby offer service at local hospital and community centre

Grimsby offer service at local hospital and community centre

The project at the Littlecoates Community Centre, performed by members of the Grimsby lst ward, involved families and missionaries who brightened up the main hall of the centre by painting all the walls, skirting boards and ceiling. Even the young children enthusiastically helped with the areas they were able to reach.

The event was part of a project with community group “Communities Together” who are committed to rejuvenating the centre. The building is a busy central point in the community where classes such as new age curling, line dancing, brownie meetings, card making, keep fit, Zumba, dance classes and pop-in mornings take place.

Les Bonner, chairman of the community centre committee remarked, “There are a number of things in the centre that need improving. Giving the main hall a new coat of paint was our first priority. We have many groups that meet here including a number of older residents and now they will have somewhere much nicer to spend their time”. Bishop Andrew Pearson commented, “This community centre is a great asset to the local area and we are delighted to have been able to help decorate it”.

Meanwhile, members of the Grimsby 2nd ward worked hard to clear and clean a hospital quadrangle at the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital.  “We turned a wilderness into an oasis,” commented Douglas Kerr on the Helping Hands annual day of service project. The quadrangle is regularly used by the hard working doctors and nurses of the Orthopaedic clinic to escape the stresses of hospital life.  This place of refuge had become somewhat overgrown and untidy so the members rolled up their sleeves and got to task with tackling the overgrown plants and weeds.

Hospital sister Rachel Beckett said 'Wow, what an improvement. We are so grateful for the work the church members have done here today'